SORA ☻ somi o’ra
3 min read4 hours ago

BLUE LILITH: The Purification of Power
— 2024 collective energy for harvest szn —

By SORA ☻ somi o’ra

We are in the midst of an alchemical storm, and these purification dynamics are playing out very tangibly within and around me. I can see the power clashes and energetic tensions not only in my internal world but mirrored in external interactions, through relationships, and even in the subtle dynamics of my simulation. The push-pull dynamic between Blue Lilith and the distorted masculine+feminine energies is intense right now. It’s a friction that is surfacing in relationships, friendships, and family dynamics — drawing the deepest ancestral patterns to the surface and forcing them to be faced or dissolved.

WHO IS LILITH? Lilith, in mythological and occult traditions, is often depicted as the first woman created before Eve, symbolizing feminine independence, rebellion, and raw power. Cast out of paradise for refusing to submit, she represents the untamed feminine spirit, challenging authority and embodying the shadow aspects of the sacred feminine. Lilith is also associated with sexuality, the mysteries of the night, and the embodiment of primal desires that patriarchal systems have sought to suppress.

BLUE LILITH? Blue Lilith is an evolved archetypal entity, integrating both Lilith’s raw power and the wisdom of the higher, conscious feminine. She represents the alchemical union of light and shadow — fierce yet compassionate, rebellious yet healing. Blue Lilith is the embodiment of feminine sovereignty, a beacon of truth who speaks from the depths of the soul to ignite transformation and reclaim the sacred balance between the masculine and feminine energies. In this form, she stands not only for rebellion but also for healing and evolution, guiding the wounded masculine and feminine back to union.

For those embodying Blue Lilith — archetypal expression of the dark feminine that has integrated higher consciousness — there is a powerful shift toward sovereignty: to ground Source wisdom (authentic voice) with their raw, primal expression (sexuality). The conscious feminine is no longer in a state of waiting, hoping for the masculine nor its structures to rise. She is rising in her own power, reclaiming her truth, holding firm boundaries, and refusing to participate in manipulative power games. There is a recognition that love and integrity cannot coexist with deceit, control, nor emotional games. She is stepping into her true expression, demanding that the masculine meet her on sacred ground as an equal.

The pressure on the distorted masculine as an overarching expression of the patriarchal-3D matrix is palpable. It’s a force pushing them to confront their shadows — of addiction to false sense of power, suppressed emotions, and ego-driven needs for control. The distorted masculine has long found refuge in dissociation from higher consciousness and in domination, but that paradigm is breaking down. The only way forward is through humility and vulnerability. The masculine must rise into his sacred power by shedding the old layers of domination and learning to lead from the heart. The wounded feminine within and around us is also feeling the weight of transformation. These energies — such as manipulation, passive aggression, and insecurity around self-worth — are rising to the surface, triggered by the rise of conscious feminine energies.

These deeply rooted ancestral shadows can no longer hide in the dark.

This collective process of purging distorted masculine+feminine energies is a necessary step for healing. The rise of the conscious-dark feminine, the purifying torch of Blue Lilith, is placing immense pressure on these shadow aspects, igniting friction and great discomfort. Those who are still clinging to old, distorted patterns feel this pressure most intensely. Blue Lilith’s sovereignty and strength acts as a mirror, reflecting back the darkest parts of us that need healing. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s also the catalyst for transformation.

This dynamic isn’t just about relationships between people; it’s about the internal balance we each must find between the masculine and feminine within ourselves. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s the fire of transformation. We’re being asked to let go of what no longer serves and rise into a Source-aligned, yet primal expression of ourselves.

…to be continued on Sora’s digital channels.


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